Thursday, March 13, 2008

Dear Sacred Harp Friends,

This is just an advance reminder that we will have our first Fifth Sunday Singing on Sunday, March 30th from 4 to 7 pm at East Sandwich Friends Community House (at the Friends Meetinghouse). (see attached flyer). We will also be singing on the Fifth Sundays of June 29th, Aug. 31st and Nov. 30th. Please spread the word and we hope to see you on the 30th.

We are looking into the possibility of having an All Day Singing on Sat. June 28th in the Lower Cape. We are hoping that we can piggy back the Sat and Sun. Singings into a Singing Weekend for folks. This might be a great way to invite off Cape Singers to join us for a weekend of Singing and Sun. Would any of you on Cape Cod be able to host a singer or two as guests for that weekend? If so, please let me know. I think this might be a great way of bringing together and celebrating with singers throughout the region during one of the nicest seasons on the Cape.

My ears are still ringing from the Northampton Convention. There were over 400 (last count I heard was 490!!) from all over the US, as well as Canada, England, and Germany. The sound was just amazing and the event was very well organized. A great spirit was present in the music and the fellowship. And, of course, the "dinner on the grounds" was an indescribable feast of homemade delights. I think everyone attending left feeling very blessed and enriched by the experience.

So, may we rejoice as bulbs poke up. the earth smells rich with potential, and "He calls the warmer gales to blow and bids the spring return." (Winter, p. 38T) Looking forward to seeing you on the 30th.

Peace in All,